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Lemonade Cooler

Looking for a crisp refreshing drink without all the added sugar? This is the perfect drink for you then. This is a recipe my boyfriend made one day, and since then I was hooked. Typically when we drink lemonade it is loaded with sugar, or even a sugar-free lemonade contains chemicals potentially harmful to the body. This recipe, however, is the perfect alternative to those who love the refreshing taste of lemonade but are wanting to improve their health.

It contains whole lemons! Not concentrate or anything like that! Lemons. Whole! It's so simple and quick to make.

I'm loving all these quick and simple recipes and I hope you are too! 30 minute recipes? Ain't nobody got time for that!


2 lemons

1-2 cups water

2 cups ice

2-4 Tbsp agave nectar

Directions: Peel lemons or cut off the peeling, place all ingredients into the blender. Blend for about 3-5 minutes, then serve and enjoy.

The amount of water and agave nectar depend on how thick or thin you like it, and how tart or sweet you prefer.

Benefits of Lemons

We all know lemons are a good source of vitamin C, especially after 1747 when the sailors were contracting the disease of scurvy due to insufficient vitamin C levels. But what else are lemons good for?

Lots of things! So drink up.

They help lower your risk of strokes. Help to combat cancer since they are a powerful source of antioxidants and fight against free radicals.

When eaten in the natural form (like this recipe) they help to fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution. They also help reduce wrinkles and improve the overall skin texture, so drink up ladies!

When high amounts of vitamin C are consumed, it is a preventative to asthma.

Vitamin C helps to absorb iron more efficiently. So if your iron levels are running low, drink up!

Feeling sick? Boost your immune system by drinking a glass of this. Vitamin C helps to fight colds and the flu since they're bursting with antioxidants.

So drink to your health!


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