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Pumpkin Bread

Fall is all about pumpkin! I'm never one to neglect my pumpkin duties during the fall, so I figured I would share a couple of my favorite fall recipes with ya'll. This one is one I made up a couple of weeks ago, when I was going to make a different dessert for Saturday, but didn't have the right ingredients. It turned out wonderful and super moist!

Find out how to replace eggs when baking!

Watch video for recipe!

Benefits of Pumpkin:

Pumpkin is a part of the squash family. Pumpkins are rich in provitamin A and antioxidant flavonoids. It helps prevent arteriosclerosis and cancer. Since they are rich in potassium and low in sodium, it acts to prevent hypertension and its negative consequences (arterial blood clots and stroke).

It is a good source of beta-carotene, which is beneficial to the loss of visual acuity or vision disorders originating in the retina.

It is 1 of the 3 of the most effective, proven anti-carcinogenic vegetables, since it contains beta-carotene, vitamin C and vegetable fiber.

It is a mild laxative, along with its soothing cation on the digestive tract. It is suggested for constipation.

If you make this recipe please take a picture of you with the final product so I can share it with others. Enjoy the pumpkin season!


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