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Going to 3 Angels Broadcasting Network

This was my first time to appear on television that appeared ALL around the world.

This was three years in the making to get me onto 3 Angels Broadcasting Networkof course COVID hit and changed it all.

Click the link below to view the tv segment:

Three years ago I reached out to 3ABN via email, asking about the possibility of coming on their cooking show. After sending in everything they has asked me to, I go the email inviting me to come shoot two episodes of their cooking program. I was so excited, and even started crying when I was reading the email.

Since I was young I had heard of and seen programs on this network, which is why it was so serial to me that I would be on it as well.

Canceling My Trip

We had my dates set up to go out to Illinois and record two-one hour cooking segments. Those dates were set for late March 2020. Of course we all know what happened in mid March and the shutdown. So of course my flight was canceled and so was my session at 3ABN, sadly enough.

After a few months we tried to reschedule, but it turned out I was pregnant with my third child, so it wasn't the best time for me to go out there. We were going to try for November 2021, but my baby girl was still under 1 year old and constantly breastfeeding. To be honest, I was also wanting to put it off so I could try to lose more baby weight, which didn't happen as I was wanting. But when you're breastfeeding it's hard to lose the weight, at least it is for me.

Finally, we scheduled it for the beginning of May 2022. I had made up my mind that I was not going to come up with any more excuses, and just go. So that's what I did.

This was the first time in almost 5 years that I had been away by myself. I had never left my babies overnight, except to go to the hospital and birth another one. So it was very difficult for me to leave for 5 days and go out to Illinois and record this program, since I would be flying out there alone. Tickets were too expensive to try and take the whole family.


Choosing Which Recipes to Make

Two weeks before filming I needed to come up with 5-6 recipes per episode, and I was recording two episodes. For the first episode I decided to make it a breakfast or brunch theme.

Most people tend to eat little to nothing for breakfast, which actually leads to bigger waist size. So I was wanting to show different healthy options for breakfast, and all of the recipes came from my cookbook.

For the second session I decided to make more lunch or dinner options, and again they were all from my cookbook.

I'm a stay-at-home mom and proud of it.

For the past five years I have been a stay-at-home mom, now raising three little babes. They are quite the handful, but such blessings. To me there is nothing more important that I could be doing, than raising these babes for God.

Being a mom has been the hardest and best aspect of my life. I have always enjoyed cooking and demonstrating how to cook. Going on 3ABN was a good way for me to share recipes and my cookbook with viewers. In my cookbook I have a good section about health information and how to improve certain health issues, as well as healthy recipes. So anytime I can share it with people I'm all about it. Plus, it's a good way for me to help contribute financially to my family.

Prepping For The Show

Back in November 2021, just a few months before going to 3ABN, I met Angela Lomacang and her husband Pastor John Lomacang at a prophecy seminar in California. Pastor Lomacang is one of my favorite speakers and pastors that I have heard, so I was so excited to meet them both. While they were here visiting I had made them several different recipes from my cookbook, and even gave Angela my cookbook. I had mentioned to her I would be going to 3ABN to do a cooking segment, and she mentioned I could ask for her to be my host on the show. I was so excited that I would get to work with her on the program, because she was just really easy person to talk with and feel comfortable with.

Monday was the day to record both segments, which meant that Sunday was the day I needed to get all of the groceries and prep all of the recipes I would be making. Since each segment had 5-6 recipes, and I had make two full recipes of both, one for photos, and one for the demonstration for the recordings. So total I was making about 24 recipes. It was a lot of work and prep, but luckily they had someone helping me prep, and she was such a big help.

Recording The Program

It was finally the day to record, and man was I nervous. It didn't take long to have everything ready for the first segment, the morning of, but my nerves were creeping up on me. Before even coming out to the network, I had spent a lot of time praying. Praying that God would guide my hands and mouth, and even if there was one person who was needing to hear something, that He would use me to reach out to them. So I knew that God would use me, but I just need to claim His promise and believe it.

"Faithful is He who has called you, who will also do it," 1 Thessalonians 5:24. This was the promise that I was praying and trusting in, that God had called me to this moment, and He would do it through me.

The Experience

After my nerves calmed down, I realized how much I was enjoying it. Everyone on set and behind the scenes were so good at what they do, and were so good at making me feel comfortable, and made the whole experience enjoyable.

I pray that as you watch the programs that you are blessed or know someone who would benefit from watching it. Please, pass it on if you feel inclined to do so. Also, check out the other programs they have on 3ABN. You can watch them on Youtube or even get their app and watch them, if you don't have the network on your tv.

Click on the photo of my cookbook Simply Fresh to get a copy today. Use the promo code 3ABN for a special discount. Thanks for your support.


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